Affording Justice 07 3236 3000

What is “unbundled” legal service?

Article from: Dealing with lawyers

Unbundled legal service is the term used to describe the arrangement where: You have a legal issue that needs a number of steps to be taken to sort it out You agree with your lawyer that the lawyer will help you with some of those steps, but You remain responsible for the overall issue. An example of … Read More »

Is that defamation by Facebook?

Article from: About the law

We get a number of queries from people concerned about what someone else has said about them.   Increasingly the concern relates to posts on Facebook. Posting something on Facebook is “publishing” it so the defamation laws do apply to Facebook posts. Most cases can be resolved by taking down the original post and posting an … Read More »

Is your redundancy genuine?

Article from: About the law

Recently we have had a number of inquiries from people being made redundant from their jobs. Most people understand that a genuine redundancy means that your employer does not need the job to be done anymore. However many people (employers and employees) overlook the other requirements for a genuine redundancy. A dismissal is not a … Read More »

How are workplace rights protected?

Article from: About the law

The Fair Work laws protect workplace rights.  If an employer takes adverse action against an employee because they exercise a workplace right, or to stop them exercising a workplace right, the employee can make a “General Protections Application” to Fair Work Australia. The scope of this is very wide – it applies to all employers, … Read More »

What sorts of employment problems do you need legal help for?

Article from: About the law

Since starting Affording Justice in January, we have been surprised by the high number of queries we get for employment problems, from both employees and small business employers. Employees tend to want help to: make sure they are getting their fair entitlements on redundancy protect their rights in an unfair dismissal situation deal with workplace … Read More »

What is third party insurance?

Article from: About the law

If you drive a car, you have probably heard about “third party insurance”.  Third party insurance covers you for claims made against you by third parties – that is, other people. There are two types of third party insurance: Third party insurance for claims for injury.  This is the compulsory insurance that is included with … Read More »

What does the presumption of innocence mean?

Article from: About the law

The presumption of innocence is an important part of our criminal law system.  Basically it means that if you are accused of a crime, you don’t have to prove you are innocent.  Instead, it is the job of the prosecutor to prove you are guilty.  In other words, unless the prosecutor can prove you committed … Read More »

Have you ever wanted to stop telemarketing calls?

Article from: Consumer and debt

There is something you can do about all those phone calls wanting to sell you things.  The Do Not Call Register, run by the Australian Communications and Media Authority , allows you to greatly reduce the number of telemarketing calls you receive. So, if you are being disturbed by telemarketing calls, you can take action … Read More »

How do you finalise your financial arrangements after separation?

Article from: Family and relationships

After a marriage or de facto relationship ends, there are financial issues to be sorted out.  If you do nothing, then the property stays with the person who legally owns it (i.e. the person whose name it is in).  Sometimes this is fair, but sometimes this can cause an injustice. So the law provides that … Read More »

How do you know if your drivers’ licence is suspended?

Article from: Cars and driving

There are a number of ways you can find yourself without a drivers’ licence.  The most common are: You don’t have a licence because you have not renewed your licence You have been disqualified from driving (for example for drink driving) Your licence has been suspended. You usually know if the first two situations apply … Read More »